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Helping Bali animals in need - by providing care, veterinary attention and shelter through your kind donation

Papaya - rescued

Sunny - rescued

Sunny - treated

Happy - rescued

Happy - treated

Teddy - rescued

Teddy - treated

Lita - rescued

Lita - treated

Tyson - rescued

Tyson - treated


Bali Animal Care is a not for profit organisation that is dedicated to improving the lives of animals in Bali.

The plight of animals on the island of the gods has always been evident but since visitors to the island disappeared during the pandemic and owners of animals returned to their home countries, the situation worsened.

We are focussed on assisting sick and distressed free roaming Bali animals, and "owned animals" whether they are owned by Bali locals or owners that have locked up, abandoned their animals and left the island.

During the pandemic, "owned" dogs of westerners in particular, had been found to be wandering around coffee shops and other locations that they previously visited with their owners, to try and find them - heartbreakiing.

They had no ability to fend for themselves as well as the Bali street dogs do, and so many were found starving and extremely traumatised by their abandonment.      The plight of the resident Bali dogs was similar - without visitors to the island they had fewer people feeding them.

The impact of your donations are shown in the images above yet they are only a few of the hundreds of animals - dogs, cats and chooks - that we have helped since 2020.   They and many more have been treated, adopted, or re-homed in shelters or returned to their area of free roaming where they continue to live a happy life.

We are a small team of three and Bali Animal Care has built its reputation with many requests for assistance when injured or sick animals are discovered by tourists and others.

We can do so much more and with more donations your support would mean so much to our rescues.


Bali’s dogs are the richest pool of genetic diversity of all dogs in the world. The two types of Balinese dogs, the Balinese street dog and the Highland Kintamani, have been living on the island, virtually unaltered, for at least five thousand years, whereas our ‘breed’ dogs are only a couple of centuries old. 

Genetic research further reveals that their ancestry can be traced back some 15.000 years to before the last Ice Age. Dr. Pederson from the Veterinary Genetics Laboratory at U.C Davis, California: ‘The true pure breeds are these indigenous Bali-dogs. 

Their lineage goes all the way back to the first proto-dog that evolved from the wolves. Their genes are highly valuable for further research as they are a window on the ancestral dog.

They have a direct DNA link to  Australian Dingoes, Javanese forest dogs, ancient chow-chow, and the almost extinct New Guinean singing dog.

Bali dogs have a unique relationship with the local community as they live and breathe alongside their traditions and culture.

Unlike Western standards of pet ownership, Bali dogs are working dogs who guard lands, houses and villages, and some are even used for hunting or ceremonial purposes.

The community and these wonderful dogs are intertwined so deeply that it is almost impossible to separate them.

Despite their importance to the community, Bali dogs are considered invaluable objects.    They are simply a part of everyday life, coexisting with humans for thousands of years until Bali became a top tourist destination.  

We pay tribute to the indigenous Bali dog and their role in shaping the island's identity and many visitors to this island long to know:

How do these remarkable dogs survive?

reproduced  from Bali Pet Crusaders exhibition


And therein lies the problem - there are more than 500,000 free roaming or stray dogs on the island of Bali.       This has arisen through litters and litters of puppies that have been born and thrown to the streets - sterilisation is the key to this issue and we play a part in the cycle.

With your help we can achieve so much.

Please donate now

For Australian and US Donors click here

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With your help we can achieve so much. Please donate now

For Australian and US Donors click here

A Few Final Words about Bali's Dark Side

Most Balinese anjings (= ‘dogs’) don’t seem to have the same family status as westerners give their dogs. You’ll see a lot of them roaming the streets, some skinny or even mutilated by other dogs or people who wanted to teach the scavengers a lesson.

The most significant difference between most western dogs and Balinese is that the latter are eaten. It’s a widespread practice, even with tourists, who often think they’re eating beef or pork.

About 70.000 dogs are slaughtered on the island every single year, because killing dogs for food is legal in Indonesia.    Many organisations are doing their best to end this terrible practice.    Please help stamp out this barbaric practice.


In July 2020, at the start of the pandemic, Wendy and Jill met on the beach, both attempting to rescue the same dog.     

Wendy had arrived in Bali from The Netherlands in March and Jill had arrived from Australia in January the same year and both had decided to make Bali their home.   

After the dog was rescued and eventually adopted by Wendy (see photo above), Wendy started feeding the stray dogs in her street and from there Bali Animal Care was born.

Wendy's passion extends to also rescuing cats and chickens that often are thrown into the sea as offerings during cremations.      Her time is exclusively spent rescuing, treating and re-homing the animals she comes across.

Jill works behind the scenes in admin.      Putu assists with adoption day, walking the dogs at the clinic on a daily basis and any other duties required.  

ADOPT (inc overseas) OR FOSTER

The Bali dog is a truly beautiful dog that has coexisted with humans for thousands of years.    If you have already experienced ownership of a Bali dog and would consider adopting another or even fostering, the following dogs are available for a new home now.

They have all been vaccinated, sterilised, trained to walk on a lead and can ride on a motorbike.

Bali dogs are resilient, loyal, independent and extremely intelligent.    Once you have had one, you can never go back.

If you would like to learn more about any of these animals, please contact Wendy on







click the image to view the video

Papaya - treated