* Donate
You can donate via a one off donation or a planned monthly donation. Everything helps.
Donations received go only to the care of animals, not one cent is spent on overheads. Everything done by the members of Bali Animal Care is donated time. How we care for the animals that are rescued is detailed in the "How we work" page.
* Spread the Word
We regularly post on Facebook, Instagram and write a monthly newsletter.
However, nothing is better than our donors spreading the word about our work and the enormous task it is.
You can help us by sharing our posts to your friend network, amongst your work colleagues and family and encouraging visitors to our website.
* Volunteer
There are many volunteer opportunities including conducting fund raising in your home country or town, assisting us to walk the dogs and cuddle the cats at the clinic when you are on the island. It helps you understand what we do.
We are always needing treatments for skin disease like Bravecto, Simparica etc and you can bring those items with you to Bali by contacting your home veterinarian and asking them to donate some to the animals of Bali.
Help the street and beach feeders get food to the animals.
* Foster
You may not be able to adopt however fostering a dog or cat for even one month makes a huge difference to their ability to find a new home.
Your love and attention during that time helps them gain confidence, get to know the ways of a family, interact with other animals, even learn to ride as a passenger on a scooter which allows them to have beach days.
It is amazing how much they blossom during that time.